Tutorial: Comprehensive Genome Analysis Service


This set of short videos provides a step-by-step demonstration of using the PATRIC Comprehensive Genome Analysis service to assemble, annotate, and provide a basic comparative analysis of close relatives to a bacterial genome.

  1. Submitting a job using reads (13:08)

  2. Submitting contig files (3:36)

  3. Full genome report (13:06)

  4. Job results (11:22)

  5. Assembly results (6:13)

  6. Annotation results (8:50)

  7. Viewing your genome (8:05)

  8. Finding help and citing PATRIC (6:51)

Using the Comprehensive Genome Analysis Service

Links to the videos are provided below. They can also be viewed in order in the PATRIC YouTube channel playlist. Relevant references are provided at the bottom of this page.

1. Submitting a job using reads (13:08)

2. Submitting contig files (3:36)

3. Full genome report (13:06)

4. Job results (11:22)

5. Assembly results (6:13)

6. Annotation results (8:50)

7. Viewing your genome (8:05)

8. Finding help and citing PATRIC (6:51)


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