PATRIC December 2012 Release Provides Enhanced Support for RefSeq Names and Gene Symbols

Published on 2013-01-04 00:00:00

This release provides several changes that should make it much easier for researchers to find their genes and proteins of interest using several alternate names.  The most visible change is a new feature overview page that contains consolidated information for genes, CDS, and proteins, and provides more prominent presentation of alternate names. The enhancements are also seen in improved global search results, and in tables and names across the site.   This consolidation has also provided for better PubMed search results at the feature level.

We have provided links to additional external resources such as STRING, STITCH, and NCBI’s CDD, as well as facilitating literature searches in PubMed Central and Google Scholar.  In addition, there are other minor enhancements such as improvements to ID mapping services.