# Tutorial: Phylogenetic Codon Tree Service ## Overview This set of short videos provides a step-by-step demonstration of using the PATRIC Phylogenetic Codon Tree Service to construct a codon-based phylogenetic tree from a set of genomes. 1. [Creating genome groups for building codon trees (16:54)](#codon1) 2. [Submitting the tree-building job (11:38)](#codon2) 3. [Reviewing the codon tree report (11:31)](#codon3) 4. [Accessing codon tree files in the jobs folder (10:58)](#codon4) 5. [Removing problem genomes from groups (15:42)](#codon5) 6. [Using the Protein Family Sorter to improve the tree (15:35)](#codon6) 7. [Viewing the tree in FigTree (7:17)](#codon7) 8. [Finding help and citing (8:50)](#codon8) ### See also * [Phylogenetic Tree Service](https://patricbrc.org/app/PhylogeneticTree) * [Phylogenetic Codon Tree Service Tutorial](https://docs.patricbrc.org/tutorial/codon_tree_building/codon_tree_building.html) (document) ## Using the Phylogenetic Codon Tree Building Service Links to the videos are provided below. They can also be viewed in order in the [PATRIC YouTube channel playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsstVALeacEIj7YA33V4nYi10oOZgEVDq). Relevant references are provided at the bottom of this page. ##### 1. Creating genome groups for building codon trees (16:54) ##### 2. Submitting the tree-building job (11:38) ##### 3. Reviewing the codon tree report (11:31) ##### 4. Accessing codon tree files in the jobs folder (10:58) ##### 5. Removing problem genomes from groups (15:42) ##### 6. Using the Protein Family Sorter to improve the tree (15:35) ##### 7. Viewing the tree in FigTree (7:17) ##### 8. Finding help and citing (8:50) ## References * Cock, P.J., et al., Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. 2009. 25(11): p. 1422-1423. * Davis, J.J., et al., PATtyFams: Protein families for the microbial genomes in the PATRIC database. 2016. 7: p. 118. * Edgar, R.C.J.N.a.r., MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput. 2004. 32(5): p. 1792-1797. * Letunic, I. and P. Bork, Interactive tree of life (iTOL) v3: an online tool for the display and annotation of phylogenetic and other trees. Nucleic acids research, 2016. 44(W1): p. W242-W245. * Rambaut, A.J.S.h.t.b.e.a.u.s.f., FigTree, a graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees. 2007. * Stamatakis, A.J.B., RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies. 2014. 30(9): p. 1312-1313. * Stamatakis, A., P. Hoover, and J.J.S.b. Rougemont, A rapid bootstrap algorithm for the RAxML web servers. 2008. 57(5): p. 758-771.