============================== Building the Mac CLI Release ============================== Clone the PATRIC distribution and tools:: git clone https://github.com/PATRIC3/PATRIC-distribution git clone https://github.com/olsonanl/distro_utils Bootstrap:: cd distro_utils ./bootstrap /Applications/PATRIC.app/runtime . user-env.sh Retrieve your API token from github and set in environment:: export GITHUB_TOKEN=... Set up distro:: cd ../PATRIC-distribution create-manifest --no-recurse Check out and build. This step must be done from a MacOS console session. A remote desktop session is suitable:: checkout-from-manifest ../build-1 export KB_IGNORE_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=1 distro-build-mac-app --app-name PATRIC --icon ~/icon/patric.icns --banner "Welcome to the PATRIC Command Line Interface." ../build-1 ================================== Building the Ubuntu CLI Release ================================== Clone the PATRIC distribution and tools:: git clone https://github.com/PATRIC3/PATRIC-distribution git clone https://github.com/olsonanl/distro_utils Bootstrap:: cd distro_utils ./bootstrap /usr . user-env.sh Retrieve your API token from github and set in environment:: export GITHUB_TOKEN=... Set up distro:: cd ../PATRIC-distribution create-manifest --no-recurse Check out and build. This step must be done from a MacOS console session. A remote desktop session is suitable:: checkout-from-manifest ../build-1 export KB_IGNORE_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=1 distro-build-ubuntu-app --ignore --app-name patric-cli --banner "Welcome to the PATRIC Command Line Interface." --description "The PATRIC Command Line Interface" ../build-1 =============================== Configuring Unbuntu for Build =============================== If not already there the universe repository is needed:: sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo apt-get update Install the following packages: * openssh-server * git * libconfig-simple-perl * libtemplate-perl * libwww-perl * libjson-xs-perl * libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl * libfile-slurp-perl * cpanminus * libgraph-perl * libparse-yapp-perl * libdevel-stacktrace-perl * libmoose-perl * liblingua-en-inflect-perl This module doesn't have a package, so install with:: sudo cpanm Sort::Topological