.. _cli::p3-gto-dna: ########## p3-gto-dna ########## .. highlight:: perl ********************** Extract DNA from a GTO ********************** .. code-block:: perl p3-gto-dna.pl [options] gtoFile This script reads one or more locations from the standard input and outputs the corresponding DNA from the input :ref:`cli::GenomeTypeObject` file. Parameters ========== The positional parameter should be the name of the :ref:`cli::GenomeTypeObject` file in JSON format. The standard input can be overridden using the options in :ref:`cli-input-options`. The standard input should contain location strings in the key column (specified using :ref:`cli-column-options`) and the region name in the column identified by the \ ``--label``\ parameter. Location strings are of the form \ *contigID*\ \ ``_``\ \ *start*\ \ ``+``\ \ *len*\ for the forward strand and \ *contigID*\ \ ``_``\ \ *start*\ \ ``-``\ \ *len*\ for the backward strand. Additional command-line options are as follows. fasta Output should be in FASTA format, with the region name as the ID. label Index (1-based) or name of the column containing the region names. The default is the first column (\ ``1``\ ).