.. _cli::p3-generate-close-roles: ####################### p3-generate-close-roles ####################### .. highlight:: perl ************************************ Find Roles That Occur Close Together ************************************ .. code-block:: perl p3-generate-close-roles.pl [options] pairs.tbl This script is part of a pipeline to compute functionally-coupled roles. It takes a file of locations and roles, then outputs a file of pairs of roles with the number of times features containing those two roles occur close together on the chromosome. Such roles typically have related functions in a genome. The input file must contain the following four fields. 1 genome ID 2 contig (sequence) ID 3 location in the sequence 4 functional role The default script assumes the four columns are in that order. This can all be overridden with command-line options. The input file must be sorted by genome ID and then by sequence ID within genome ID. Otherwise, the results will be incorrect. Use :ref:`cli::p3-sort` to sort the file. The location is a PATRIC location string, either of the form \ *start*\ \ ``..``\ \ *end*\ or \ ``complement(``\ \ *left*\ \ ``..``\ \ *right*\ \ ``)``\ . Given a set of genome IDs in the file \ ``genomes.tbl``\ , you can generate the proper file using the following pipe. .. code-block:: perl p3-get-genome-features --attr sequence_id --attr location --attr product