.. _cli::p3-echo: ####### p3-echo ####### .. highlight:: perl ***************************** Write Data to Standard Output ***************************** .. code-block:: perl p3-echo [options] value1 value2 ... valueN This script creates a tab-delimited output file containing the values on the command line. If a single header (\ ``--title``\ option) is specified, then the output file is single-column. Otherwise, there is one column per header. So, for example .. code-block:: perl p3-echo --title=genome_id 83333.1 100226.1 produces .. code-block:: perl genome_id 83333.1 100226.1 However, the command .. code-block:: perl p3-echo --title=genome_id --title=name 83333.1 "Escherichia coli" 100226.1 "Streptomyces coelicolor" produces .. code-block:: perl genome_id name 83333.1 Escherichia coli 100226.1 Streptomyces coelicolor Parameters ========== The positional parameters are the values to be output. The command-line options are as follows. title The value to use for the header line. If more than one value is specified, then the output file is multi-column. If omitted, the single column header \ ``id``\ is assumed. nohead If this option is specified, then no column headers are output. The value is the number of columns desired.